Hundreds of Handmade Blankets Given To Our Youngest Students!
Every years, skilled and loving hands make hundreds of blankets for our children in Title 1 schools in our local communities. This is a massive undertaking, and one that makes all our children feel like they are the most special kiddos in the world. Picking out their own blanket to keep forever is a world-class event! Thank you to all!
The Annual Winter Tote is A Success Thanks to APM Cares!

The annual Winter Tote giveaway has become the Event of the Year for all our students in our participating schools. Children are delighted to find crayons and paper tablets, coloring books and puzzles, child-sized toothbrushes and toothpaste, and most of all awesome new pajamas, just before the end of the year's Pajama Day!
It's not only a logistical miracle involving our wonderful teachers, but significant donations are needed to purchase all the school and creative supplies and the just right size of pajamas for each child. Every child says thank you to American Pacific Mortgage, Roseville, for their generous support and the reader's of the Sacramento Bee's annual Book of Dreams as well as the Sacramento Region Community Foundation!
It's not only a logistical miracle involving our wonderful teachers, but significant donations are needed to purchase all the school and creative supplies and the just right size of pajamas for each child. Every child says thank you to American Pacific Mortgage, Roseville, for their generous support and the reader's of the Sacramento Bee's annual Book of Dreams as well as the Sacramento Region Community Foundation!